
Here is the welcome message from the first edition of 'The Wild World of Kat Dennings.'
Thanks to everyone who's kept checking back to this site since it started and has helped establish it as the first proper Kat fansite, I really appreciate it. Sorry for the whole computer crashing problem lately, but we're up and running again now! Can I say a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY! to Kat who was 17 on the 13th (Wahoo!!!!). And can I just say to her if she's reading, 17 isn't so bad, I turned 17 2 days before her(even more wahoos!) and now I can drive!!!(scary thought for anyone in Britain I know.) Plus we're no longer really children, so people can't use the whole 'they're just children they don't know what they're talking about' attitude!
Also, can I just say a huge THANKYOU to Kat, who once again has shown her total coolness :) by giving this site a shoutout on
Having looked around the web quite a bit, and having been a huge fan of Kat for a while, I realised that there are only very few websites out there about her. (For those which do exist, check out the links page.)
Therefore I decided to start buliding one of my own on March 30th, 2003. I am rounding together as much information as possible (which proves difficult as people seem to know relatively little) to make this website as informative and good as possible.
I'll keep you updated when new things are added!
Carly x
Here are the archives of when the page was updated:
March 30th, 2003 : Construction begins on the site, wallpapers designed. March 31st, 2003 : Links page added, message boards set up, guestbook added, bio and filmography started April 1st : Large wallpapers added, filmography extended April 2nd: Links page updated - now have links to sites relating to some of Kats favourite bands etc. April 3rd: New message board added for messages to Kat, biography extended, new wallpaper created and put on the site. April 4th: Interviews page added April 22nd: Sorry bout the lack of updates, what with going to Germany and having loads of schoolwork the last couple of weeks have been v hectic. Plus I'm doing a lot of research at the moment to try and find as much for this site as possible. Anyhow, bio's updated, and I'll be adding more to that soon. April 25th - I've added a couple of images on the interviews page, and i've done some more on the bio. May 2nd - Sorry about the lack of updates, but theres not much more to say at the moment, plus I'm finding it hard to update the bio, as most the info I need is on, and some of the archives are down. However, as soon as they're better i'll get the bio more detailed. Also working on designing some more wallpapers, so if you're bored of your current one, keep checking back for something new! May 4th - Added Fan submissions page, so please send me anything you want to go on there at
May 15th - Sorry about the lack of updates guys, i'm so busy right now revising for exams that I haven't had much time to work on the site. If you want to add a link to your site to this one here, I've just created a banner if you look on the Links page. I'm very happy to exchange links, just e-mail and let me know your site and I'll get it sorted. Also setting up an archives page, because this home page has got a little crowded with all the updates etc. so if you want to look back just go to the archives page. Will hopefully have a few more pics up soon, so keep checking up. And any fan submissions still very welcome! May 16th - Have created a different new message board which is easier to use, just the one forum, so please post about anything you want, it'd be nice to have input from other fans about Kat or anythnig else they want to express an opinion about. If you want to read old messages, I've put a link to the old board on the archives board. May 24th - I'm afraid there won't be any updates for a week as I'm on holiday, but I've got lots of additions plaaned for when I get back, so if you have any ideas for anything new, just send me an e-mail at June 15th - Just updated this homepage, lack of time due to using my brother's computer arghhh!!!! More soon I promise.
July 1st - Wahoo, my computer's finally been fixed so that I have internet access etc., so I can finally do more stuff on the site, big apologies for the lack of updates lately. Lots more to come soon - Raising Dad episode guide, more on the biography page, pictures among other things. July 25th - New layout, updated home page and bio, added a 'Contact Kat' page.
July 26th - Have added a link so that visitors can now view the guestbook as well as sign it, and having been doing some research and picture hunting. Also added a new link on the links page to a yahoo group dedicated to Kat, check it out!
July 29th - Have been going through the archives at to add stuff to the biography page - have added lots more of kats favourites. Also started work on the 'About me' page just so you can know a little info about my background, why I set up the site etc. Also changed the picture on the opening page, thought I ought to put a new pic to go along with the new layout. Also added some more info on the 'Contact Kat' page.
Check out messages at the old message boards by clicking on the links below: