The Wild World of Kat Dennings
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Fan Submissions
This is a page for anything and everything you, the fans, want to be on the site which is yours - encounters of meeting with Kat, pictures you've drawn of her, wallpapers you've created, and anything else you think is appropriate.
Also, I want as many as possible of you to e-mail me with your name, where you're from, how long you've been a fan, why you are a fan of Kat's and what has been your favourite work of hers. The I'll post them all here on this page so everyone can read about Kat and her fans.
If you have anything you want to go on here, please e-mail me with it at and I'll put it up as soon as possible.

Jeff's Kat Portrait
Left: This is a fantastic pencil drawing of Kat sent to me by Jeff.