The Wild World of Kat Dennings
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August 2005

The new version of The Wild World of Kat Dennings has just been opened at

New pics, exclusive interview + lots more, go check it out.

There's lots more to come very soon, (few background problems at the moment, so ignore the crazy amounts of white !)







Hey guys! Well I'm back after spending 10 days at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival performing in a show there, hence the lack of updates. Hope you've all been making the most of the summer, its been a hot one over here!! Should be lots of updates coming up as I'm back here for a while now, no more holidays as its back to school in a week unfortunately.
Also Congrats to Kat's sister who just got married!!
Firstly sorry that I've been away for a while but now I'm back and I'm very happy to announce that the site has a new layout (done in black and purple, seeing as they're 2 of Kat's favourite colours.....and I think they look damn cool together!), and lots more to come as well.
Thanks to everyone who's kept checking back to this site since it started and has helped establish it as the first proper Kat fansite, I really appreciate it.
I've been searching out lots of new stuff on Kat, info, pictures, that sort of thing so the site can just keep getting bigger and better. If you find any articles or new photos, please e-mail me so that I can add them to the site, I'll give you full credit.
Last thing to say is just enjoy and keep checking back for updates! If you want me to e-mail you every time the site is updated, then just e-mail me at and let me know.
Ciao for now
Carly x

Site Updates:
September 24th - Not much to updat at the moment to be honest - any more fan submissions would be greatly appreciated. I'm doing some trawling of the internet to see if I can find any material that we haven't see before. Also, I'm contemplating as to whether I should remove the message board. It's not really getting used, so unless anyone lets me know of any major objections I'll probably remove it for the time being in a few days.
September 15th - Apologies for the lack of updates, going back to school has been crazy hectic. Added a couple more of my favourite photos to the gallery.
September 1st - Added a portrait that was sent to me by Jeff to the fan submissions page. Added a couple more photos to the gallery. Plus added some of the older update notices to the archive page.
August 29th - Added a photo gallery for some fave pics. Any requests let me know. So far theres only a couple up, more coming soon.
August 27th - Have added a couple of bits on about me and updated the links page. Plus added a credits section within the home page which I'm still working on.
August 26th - Have updated the home page
August 14th - Added some more on the 'About Me' page so you have a little more info about why the site was set up etc. and also some more stuff on the bio page.
July 31st - Added a bit more info about 'The Snobs' on the filmography page

WB - pics - pics
WB and - interviews

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