If you want to link here, 'The Wild World of Kat Dennings' please use the image below on your site and link it to the address Thanks!
Below are a couple of sections. Firstly, other Kat sites on the web, and secondly sites to do with interests that Kat has expressed, eg music, tv so that you can find out more about them. If you have your own site about Kat, let me know and I'll take a look and add you to this Links page.
Other Kat Sites:
This is Kat's official site with her diary entries from every few days. It's fantastic and so funny and interesting to read!
Kat fantastic fanlisting
The first and only verified Kat fanlisting on the web, so join up if you're a fan! Has also recently started to become a fan site
Fabulous Kat Dennings Yahoo Group
This is a yahoo group deicated to Kat - check it out, it would be good to build up a community of Kat fans there.
Kat's interests: (as spoken about at her official site.) Okay, I'm taking the most recent names and things that Kat has mentioned so far, but soon I'll expand this, because shes talked about a lot of stuff, and I want to include as much as possible, but heres a few to start with that I know from looking are good or official sites.
Elijah Wood
Gael Garcia Bernal at Yahoo Movies
Orlando Bloom
Zero 7
Hayden Christensen
Viggo Mortensen